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Most people will at some point have knee or hip pain because these large joints have a demanding task: they must bear the full weight of your body while at the same time allowing for a wide range of motion. Wear and tear, injury, and simple genetic predisposition can all contribute to knee or hip pain.


The structures in your hips and knees are very similar, therefore they can be subject to many of the same injuries, stress, disorders, deterioration, and diseases. Some of the most common causes of hip and knee pain include:


Cartilage Injuries.  Cartilage injuries can affect both the hips or knees. For example, hip pain can be caused by cartilage injuries known as labral tears, while in the knee, you can damage the meniscus which are two pieces of cartilage between the bones in the knee joint that distribute impact and act as shock absorbers.

Acute Injuries. These are common in both hips and knees, such as sprains, strains, and dislocations.

Overuse injuries. Several overuse injuries, including muscle strains and tendonitis, are common in both hips and knees. This is because the joints both experience constant use.

Gait or Stance Imbalances. These can cause abnormal stress and premature wear-and-tear on your hips and knees, which can result in painful symptoms of arthritis.

Weak or tight muscles. If you have  weak hip stabilizing muscles and tight hip flexor muscles, this can cause the hip to rotate inward without you realizing it. If this is happening, abnormal stress can be put on the knees, resulting in painful conditions, such as patellofemoral stress syndrome or iliotibial band friction syndrome.

Referred Pain.  Pain may also develop as a result of referred pain from either a compressed or entrapped nerve or from a Trigger Point. 



Inflammation of the bursa is a slow process, which progresses over time. This bursitis most often occurs because of friction, overuse, direct trauma or too much pressure.  There are two types of bursitis:


Acute bursitis occurs because of trauma or a massive overload. After a few days’ symptoms like pain, swelling and a warm feeling when touching the affected area can be noticed. It will also be very painful to move the joint.


Chronic bursitis which is caused by overuse, too much pressure on the structures or extreme movements. Wrong muscle strain can also be a cause of chronic bursitis. The main symptom – which is always present – is pain.


There are many predisposing factors that can cause Trochanteric Bursitis:

  • Gender:  Women more commonly affected than men.

  • Overweight/Obesity

  • Trauma: e.g. injury of the greater trochanter: this can deface the bursa.

  • Overuse of the muscles around the bursa or the joint underneath the bursa.

  • Incorrect position: this can cause an increase in pressure.

  • Too much pressure on the bursa (caused by friction of the Iliotibial band)

  • Dysfunction of the insertion of the muscle gluteus medius.

  • Repetitive strain: e.g. frequent training with too much weight or training in a bad position

  • Poorly cushioned shoes: results in increased pressure on the muscles, joint and bursa

  • Excessive pronation/ extreme movement

  • Leg length differences

  • ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome)

  • Other inflammatory diseases


How We Treat

If you are experiencing hip or knee pain WAV PT can help!  When you come in for your Initial Evaluation we will do a thorough investigation to determine the cause of the pain and then develop a Plan of Care that will consist of Manual Therapy to relieve chronic tensions in the soft tissue along with joint manipulation to allow for increased mobility and pain relief.  We will also be using the Gyrotonic Method to increase strength, mobility, and improve movement patterns to allow you to return to an improved level of function free of pain.

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