Structural Integration is distinct from Massage and Chiropractic. Massage focuses on gliding over the muscles to improve circulation, allowing for movement of nutrition and flushing of toxins, which aids in the function of muscles contracting, improving relaxation. Structural Integration, however manipulates the fascial network, which is the tissue that wraps the muscles and gives them shape. In Structural Integration we do not glide over the muscles; we engage the fascia and move it, create space, rebalance the body structurally, re-establishing the body's relationship with gravity, resulting in more freedom of movement.
Chiropractic typically focuses on the joints of the spine. The main goal in chiropractic is to create mobility in the spinal segments allowing for greater nerve flow exiting the spinal column via spinal manipulation known as thrust manipulations. Not to say that this is not beneficial, but we need to consider the tissue and muscle that is causing the dysfunction in the spinal column. This is a big component if not addressed, the dysfunction will return as well as the pain or functional symptoms. The soft tissue, i.e. fascia and muscle, create support and allow for overall function of the skeletal system.
Structural Integration addresses the body as a whole unit, improving overall function and alleviating many of the chronic issues that people have, resulting in improved posture, greater mobility, and increased endurance to name a few. We will continue to cover and share some of the many benefits of SOMA Neuromuscular Integration® this week in our blog and social networking pages. Questions or comments? Feel free to contact us!